Tuesday 29 May 2012

Dew and dandelions

The hot weather has finally broken and it rained last night. This morning everywhere is fresh and damp, and while it's still not cold enough that you need a coat, it's not warm enough to be out in just a t-shirt either.

I remember a lot of mornings like this growing up back in Great Gidding. Cool and welcome after a run of hot days. I wonder when Audrey will reach the stage where she will remember things.

She's walking so confidently lately, we've just about reached the stage where unless we have lots of heavy things or we're out for so long she's likely to need a nap, it's easier to leave the buggy behind. More and more I'm seeing this:

Her running off ahead while I dawdle behind, fussing about with the camera.

I'm seeing it more and more at the various play groups we go to as well, she plays more with the other children, she rushes off with her big, toothy, gappy grin and joins in the fun.

Of course, every few minutes she still stops and scans the room until she finds me. Her eyes lock with mine: there you are. And she grins and for a few seconds I feel like the most important person in the whole world. Before she's off again.

She's been a little under the weather lately, a bit snuffly about the nose and weepy about the eyes. I'm not sure if it's hay fever or a little summer cold, or possibly a reaction to her jags last week. Either way, her spirits still seem high which is the main thing, even if her sleep is a bit all over the place (somewhat of an understatement - let's just say I'm so tired that I took her up to bed last night, lay down beside her for a moment, and fell fast asleep there until I was woken up by a sad snuffly baby in the middle of the night).

Cool things Audrey has mastered lately:

-drinking with a straw
-the signs for "rain" and "flower"
-asking for water
-tidying up her crayons into the crayon tin
-stacking the plastic stacking cups

Cool things Audrey is working on:

-walking up and down steps like a grown up (rather than the climbing/bum shuffle she's been doing previously)
-signing "please" (she already does thank you)
-throwing, kicking and pushing a football

Our trips to the park lately are made so much fun by Audrey's new found knack for waving at everybody we pass (I defy anyone not to smile and/or wave back, it is the cutest thing you ever saw) and by her loudly proclaiming any bird we might see a "DUCK!" and quacking at it enthusiastically while it stares on in confusion. We do sometimes see ducks in the park, because of the stream, but honestly the "ducks" Audrey sees are much more likely to be bewildered pigeons.

I'm hoping the weather stays this mild and fresh. It's so much easier to get out and stay out for long periods of time when there's not too much extreme hot or cold. The local gardens are all absolutely beautiful today - I'm a useless gardener myself, but I love to see other people's gardens in bloom. Of course, the wild flowers are equally lovely.

Oh Audrey. This time of your life is so exciting. There are great things up ahead.

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