Saturday 14 December 2013

Adventures with friends

At age two and a half, Audrey is an absolute joy to parent. She is becoming more reasonable, independent, affectionate, talkative. She is learning so much so quick, she is fun to hang out with. She says I love you, Mama and Dada is my best friend and I love cuddling YOU.

One of the things I most love to see is when she plays with her friends. Seriously you guys, it breaks me into a million tiny pieces. She shares like a champion - it isn't ever easy for her, but she wants to do the right thing and she tries so hard. I'm very proud of all the things she is trying to do lately, so proud that it feels like an impossible emotion to contain.

Her and her friends hold hands, give hugs, cheer each other up when they're sad, have empathy for each other, work to solve problems, play games, imagine the most amazing things. I learn so much from parenting her, especially through things like this. We talk about using our words, we put names to emotions and try our best to clearly describe what problems we're having that are leading to those emotions. People, this is something that adults struggle with so hard - or, at least, I know I do. And these kids are ROCKING IT. They say "Audrey did x and it made me feel y." I'm looking at these little people and saying to myself YES. This is how I should be communicating.

So yeah, I'm loving friends and outings and fun. I'm loving being her mama, as (almost) always. I'm loving books from the library and home made decorations for the Christmas tree that little lady is so proud of. I'm loving holding her hand and seeing how confident she is, how she makes friends and plays with children of all ages. The hugs and squeezes, the "Mama let's hold hands and run", the dancing, the singing, the reading, the teddy bears, the fairy lights. Sitting next to her on the bus, opposite her in a cafe. Tramping through mud and old leaves, stomping in icy puddles, looking out the window every day for snow.

Life, right now, is immensely hard work, and deeply satisfying.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Where November Went - Where December Is Going

There were no Audrey blog posts at all for November, as I was rather busy working on a little project - I've been writing a novel. This thing has been eating up ALL of my free time, and even time that really wasn't so free, but now it's done and I'm able to take a little more time to... well, plan and organise for Christmas, mostly. But also to blog here again!

This weekend we've been having a really gorgeous time. The Saturday was St. Andrew's Day, so we went into town to take a look at the festivities. I really enjoy filling our days up with fun activities and things to do and experience, so visiting the storytelling and the ceilidh and the market was all wonderful. I'm loving how much is going on in Edinburgh this year.

Audrey loved the live music and danced and danced. She even carried on dancing while I was carrying her on my shoulders. Later, as the sun set, she got sleepy and cuddly, and the three of us huddled on a bench and ate crepes with chocolate and banana. Then we came home and watched the Snowman.

Parenting a toddler is amazing. I feel very privileged.

On Sunday we met up with Audrey's wee friend Rafael and played in the Hermitage together.

Then we came home and decorated the Christmas tree. Mole and Nounours, two of Audrey's cuddly toys, helped. Audrey fell asleep early while sat on the sofa wrapped in blankets watching the Aristocats.

Advent is such an exciting time, planning for Christmas and getting ready for all the wonderfulness to come. My dad makes Audrey a special advent calendar each year with little presents for each day that are numbered and hung from a string that winds it's way up the banister of our stairs. She opened the first one today and spent the rest of the day asking if it was time yet to open another.

Adorable stuff.

We're settling in to the Winter season, getting cosy. Completing projects, putting things in order, getting organised. Getting ready.