Thursday 24 May 2012

Make the best

Well, we've had a gorgeous few days of sunshine and outings. Audrey has been so enjoying the adventures we've been on.

On Tuesday morning she had her jags, and was very sad about that. To make it up to her, we went into town to meet with our friend Ros for lunch. As you can see, Audrey was wearing her very special top and hair clip from Uncle Drew and Aunty Karen, and her beautiful shoes from Aunty Kate.

And her super awesome backpack, full of Lamby and her toy keys and a little tub of dry fruit.

At lunch Audrey tasted some chicken wrap, some fish and some mushy peas (which she did NOT like!).

After lunch we visited the National Gallery and looked at the beautiful paintings. The gallery is library-quiet, so I was a little nervous that Audrey would be very loud and distracting for people, but she seemed to get the idea that this was a quiet place, and the people we saw had nothing but smiles for her anyway.

She was more interested in the sky lights than the paintings, for the most part, although she woofed at a few of the paintings with dogs in. We saw some paintings with nursing mothers in which I showed her, I'm not sure if she took it in much though. She was quite interested in the sculptures.

One of the side rooms had a cold marble floor which Audrey LOVED, she got down on her belly and commando crawled along on the slippy surface for ages. I think it was how cold/slippy the floor was, but she found it the most fun ever.

SO many people commented on her pretty shoes.

Afterwards we went for a walk along the back of Princes Street Gardens, by the railway lines. It was a beautiful, secluded little walk way, and very exciting to watch the trains whooshing past beneath us.

We parked ourselves beneath a tree in the shade and played for a while there.

I try to be quite intentional with my parenting - I have a very clear idea of the kind of mum I want to be. Over the last few days I've been feeling quite stressed out and emotional, and sometimes that makes me snappy and impatient. That's NOT the mama I want to be, it's not the mama I am, and it's been good to take some time to be joyful each day, to just be with my daughter in the sunshine, to re-commit to being the parent I want to be.

Thank you, Ros, for taking these beautiful pictures of me and Audrey. I know I'll treasure them forever.

Ros is the best kind of friend for hanging out in parks with.

When getting her jags Audrey was given the special toddler bookbug bag, a free bag full of books and crayons and colouring paper that children are given at one year old in Scotland from the Scottish Book Trust.

Audrey LOVED walking around with her crayons and paper and finding just the right place to sit and do her drawing. Finding just exactly the right spot to draw is very important. She also loved showing her drawings to passers by.

And then we set off home. Audrey fell fast asleep in the buggy - it was a long day.

We're really enjoying this summer, folks.

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