Friday 11 May 2012


We've been moving furniture about lately. It's good to have a fresh start and blow the dust out of some corners.  Audrey is very interested in the proceedings, and likes to hold on to the moved tables and chairs and dance along to her Gaelic nursery rhyme CD.

The point of moving furniture around is to try to make it a bit easier for us to sit down for meals as a family. This is something we're really not very good at, and it's a shame as I think it would be a great time to talk and connect and catch up on what we've all been doing, and to demonstrate lots of good eating skills with little Audrey. Meal times are such a great opportunity to practice lots of those fine motor skills and to explore different tastes, textures and colours, but I know that I'm guilty of spoon feeding or just dumping the food on her high chair when I feel I've not got the time or the energy.

 (These pics taken by Ian on a daddy-daughter park trip recently)

Well, this is my pledge to make a bit more time and energy to have fun with our food. To take the chance to practice words - hot, cold, tasty, crunchy, soft, scoop, cut, spoon, chew, yum... To practice using toddler forks and spoons (she is SO good with a spoon now) and let her drink by herself from a grown up cup.

I've packed up the high chair, because really Audrey can sit on a cushion on a big chair without any problems at all now. I've moved the table in front of the window so we have a beautiful view of the blossoming trees outside. I have a really good feeling about this.

In other recent news, bath time has been extra fun lately.

Audrey knows the words for all her little bath friends - "crab" and "penguin" and "fish" and "duck" and "dolphin" and "octopus" and "turtle". If you ask her to pass you the penguin, she knows just what to do. If you ask her to pass you the duck, she'll pass it and, if you're lucky, she'll quack a few times too! We have the most fun playing this game.

After bath time Audrey brushes her teeth, and she is SO good at this. She really seems to enjoy imitating me while I brush my teeth, I can see the beginnings of a feeling that will become pride that she's able to be so grown up and brush her teeth all by herself.

I always dreamed of this, of being a mama. And it's even more amazing than I could have thought. Look how she's blossoming.

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