Wednesday 18 April 2012


She woke up bright and early and I had a few moments before Ian woke up to hold her and wish her a happy birthday, just like I did a year ago when I couldn't stop saying it to her in that operating theatre - "I love you, happy birthday, happy birthday."

We played some birthday songs and Shambles the cat played with her for a while, Ian woke up and the sun was shining and I knew already that it would be a great day.

When we came downstairs there were PRESENTS AND CARDS!

She got oh so many lovely things. Clothes, toys, bath toys, books, even a singing bubble-blowing octopus from Grandad Steve (which she cannot get enough of, seriously)...

Her main gift from us was something we knew she would have chosen if she could, as there's one at her playgroup and she always always plays with it first. A wooden activity cube!

Shambles helped.

She had a special birthday breakfast of raspberries, and then a special birthday post-breakfast bath to wash off all the raspberries.

Then we dressed her in the birthday outfit I'd carefully chosen for her and got ready for Uncle David and Aunty Katy to come collect us and drive us out to Nana and Grandad's house!

She didn't really get much of a nap due to being so wound up and overwhelmed with everything, so there was a little meltdown when we went to get in the car where she clung to me and sobbed every time we tried to put her in the car seat. If there's one thing I know as a mama it's not to force these things. If she's that distressed, it just doesn't feel right. So although it took a little longer, we nursed and shushed and hugged her gently until she felt better able to cope with being in the car seat.

Lo and behold, a few moments later and she was a lot better. Plenty of distraction and we were on our way and after just a little while in the car she fell fast asleep and had a good nap this time, waking up at Nana and Grandad's house much brighter and happier.

There were even more presents.

Including an awesome scuttle bug from Nana and Grandad, which she has played with almost constantly over the past few days!

Lots of quality piano time with Ian.

And then, after a delicious birthday tea cooked by Nana B, it was Cake Time!

It was a really delicious Victoria sandwich made by Nana B, cake maker and grandmother extraordinaire!

Then after tea, Audrey and I went for a walk in the rain with Grandad Pop and Aunty Katy, and Hurley the dog (much to Audrey's fascination!). Notice Audrey's gorgeous new coat from Grandad Steve, she looks like Little Red Riding Hood.

We saw the beautiful horses in the field, and Grandad Pop fed them shortbread while Audrey was very unsure indeed about such big, un-dog-like animals.

The walk was cut short by a sudden downpour. Thankfully Grandad Pop was on hand to carry Audrey quickly home through the rain, where we got nice and dry and warm again.
And soon enough she was worn out and ready for bed, and we trundled off home. She was fast asleep before we even got to our house. We carried her to bed, gently slipping her out of coats and shoes and into soft warm duvets and sweet dreams. Probably of cake.

It was an incredible day. Everything a birthday should be.

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