Friday 13 April 2012

First Birthday

Today was her birthday, and it was beautiful.

I'm going to post a proper write up of her special day tomorrow, I'm far too tired tonight and there's only an hour of 13/04/2012 left which I intend to spend on the sofa watching One Piece episodes with Ian, but I just had to take a moment to record this feeling.

I feel so absolutely in love. With her, with Ian, with our wider family, with my life right now, today. That feeling I had the day she was born, the day I saw her with my own eyes for the first time - I felt that so strongly today. It's not gone away. That I've-won-the-lottery feeling, that feeling that seems too big for my body to contain. It's overwhelming, sometimes, how much I love her. And there were so many quiet moments today when I felt it - the way the long strands of hair at the sides of her head start to curl when they're damp from the rain, the way she stretches and reaches to the very highest and lowest ends of the piano, the way she just can't hug me tight enough sometimes, the way she seems so grown up at one year old but I can still cradle her tiny sleeping body in my arms and carry her to bed. The way she sees something cool and looks to find me, makes eye contact, have you seen how cool this is? The way she loves having her hair brushed and pushes the comb up higher on her head if I'm distracted or slow down. Our beautiful, beautiful bond.

Happy Birthday, little daughter.

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