Wednesday 4 April 2012

Just Under

Here is a list of words/noises Audrey knows at just under 1 year old:

"ish" (fish)
"dat" (cat)
"dat?" (with pointing - what's that?)
"tuttle" (turtle)
"mama" (mama/milk/I'm upset)
"dada" (dada)
"wow" (wow)
"waaaarrh" (roar)
"mooooo" (moo)

It's amazing how well she can communicate, even non verbally. She's just starting to get the hang of baby signs and can sign for milk pretty well now (and she signs it ALL THE TIME). She conveys a lot with her face and gestures and the tone of her voice. Still, I know she gets frustrated when she's trying to communicate and just can't make us understand.

Here are some of the cool things Audrey can do at just under 1:

-wave hi and bye (she's much better at understanding hiya than bye bye, in fact every evening when she hears Ian's key in the door she gets this huge grin and starts waving frantically even before he's in the house)
-clap her hands
-give high fives
-and fist bumps
-sign for milk
-reach to be picked up
-give fabulous, wide-armed hugs
-stick out her tongue and waggle it from side to side (mischievous grin essential)
-walk unaided
-point to someone's nose, eyes, mouth and ears when asked to (if interested enough!)
-tease the cats
-feed herself with a spoon and drink from a grownup cup or water bottle (Evian etc, but with tap water in as the minerals aren't actually too good for them)
-turn pages in books

I'm feeling the pressure a little lately - Easter is such a busy time with work and Audrey's birthday is coming up as well, some friends are having a hard time, family will be visiting soon and all the while I feel like little lady is quietly telling me to slow down. Breathe deep. Come play.

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