Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Two Months Old

Audrey is two months old today! The time has gone so quickly that it barely seems real, but at the same time it feels like she's always been here. What did I do before I had her? It's like a dream.

Today, in keeping with the theme of the last post and to celebrate how much of a little person she is already, at two months old, here is a list of things that Audrey is loving lately.

Audrey loves...
Her dad, and bath times.
Grandad Pop

And Nana B


The baby gym

Lamby and the pushchair friends (doesn't that sound like the name of a band?)

Frilly knickers
And, hopefully, her mama!

Love you Audrey Bea!

1 comment:

  1. It seems this is now Google's number 1 page for "Audrey Beatrix"!
