Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Being Brave

Audrey had her first vaccinations today. So important, so worthwhile in so many ways, but so so difficult to watch. Poor little girl, she cried her heart out and it was horrid to hear it, horrid that she couldn't understand. I explained it to her beforehand and braced myself for it being bad, but it was still awful, and I cried too. We've been spending the day since then having lots of gentle hugs to make ourselves feel better.

Ian was wonderful. He took the morning off work so we could take her to the clinic together - he was the only dad there. He weighed her with the health visitors while I was sorting out some painkillers for my tooth ache (ouch!) and she's now 11lb13oz! Ian also held her while she was given the injections, as I'm slightly phobic of needles. Here are some pics of him with her on a trip that we took to the shelter where I work last Saturday.

Now she's getting so much bigger I'm enjoying being able to dress her in more cute hand knits too!

For now we're just resting as much as possible, trying to recover from our stressful morning. Audrey is sleeping and I'm sat beside her, unwilling to move too far away in case she wakes up distressed again as she has a few times since getting home. Poor baby.

So brave, Audrey Bea!

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