Monday 3 October 2011

To you from me

We just woke up and, thanks to the rain and mist which has just broken this morning after a week of unlikely sunshine, it is still barely light outside. Audrey is sat in her play ring, playing with her toys. Her current favourites include soft, crinkly fabric books and a rabbit with floppy ears called Runty which was a gift from our friends Ace and Faye that she hasn't stopped playing with since yesterday. Runty is their rabbit's nickname, which has now been passed onto this wee fellow.

Lamby still goes everywhere with us, and is starting to get tatty enough from being dragged along by one leg through grass and carpet and play mats and kitchen floors that he looks pretty close to becoming real. Those who've read the Velveteen Rabbit will understand.

Her eyes are still so blue. I wonder if they'll change. At what age do they change?
We packed the plat mat away, banished it to the nursery. She just wasn't using it that much any more. She much prefers to be sitting up now, and she can sit unassisted as long as someone is there to catch her when she lunges off to one side to grab at Shambles the cat. I was a little sad at packing the play mat away. It goes too fast, it's almost cruel.

This is a lovely time. She's endlessly curious, playful, excited. She waves her arms in the air, she picks up her favourite toys from the ground, she investigates napkins and paper cups and empty fizzy drinks bottles. She loves wooden spoons and my wood and amber nursing necklace, she likes the smell of apples.

She's so friendly now, and SO BIG.

Shambles is her BFF. When she sees him she starts to wave her arms up and down in excitement, then starts shouting and reaching for him. He's very patient with her, and will often walk up and let her stroke him. Gently, we say. Gently.
Because she'll be starting solids very soon, we've been getting her used to being in the high chair (thanks Drew and Karen!). She sits in there happily while I'm cooking and talks to me. Or to Shambles, if he's around. I've been saving these jars and filling them with interesting things for her to investigate and play with: water, blackcurrant squash, pumpkin seeds, rice, dry pasta, cotton wool.

The housework never gets done, but that's all right. Because instead we go to the park and lie on blankets soaking up the last bits of summer sun and trying to stop baby from eating the mown grass.

Audrey has been having a lot of fun meeting other babies at the various groups we go to. It's lovely to see how social she is becoming.

Ok, baby is awake and it's time to get going. Ian and I are celebrating our 2 year wedding anniversary today by going on a trip to the museum with our daughter. Love to you from me, Audrey Bea!

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