Sunday 9 October 2011


Ian and I celebrated our two year wedding anniversary last Monday by going to the museum with Audrey.
Ian is a wonderful husband and a great dad. He always makes me laugh. Spending time with him is so much fun. I'm sure Audrey feels the same!

Audrey had a great time at the museum. There were lots of things for her to look at and play with. She even got to unearth some dinosaur bones in the sandpit!

She did seem slightly more interested in eating the sand, unfortunately. But at least she had fun! Her parents got to have some fun too.

Our favourite exhibit was the one with the animals, past and present. The dinosaur bones and the weird and interesting insects and sea creatures, the stuffed big cats and elephants and the giant birds. Audrey stared at it all, wide-eyed, and Ian and I read all the amazing information on the displays about evolution and conservation. It was a really wonderful trip, I hope we can go back again soon.

We got home absolutely exhausted. Audrey falls asleep lately in one of two ways - either nursed down by me quietly in bed with soft white noise playing, or with Ian to Daft Punk music. Both seem to work equally well. Who would've thought. Here she is in a Daft Punk stupor.

It's becoming more rare for me to catch a photo of her sleeping now, so I run to get the camera when she falls asleep anywhere with enough light that I don't have to use a flash which might wake her up. She naps usually three times in a day, for anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The other day Ian went to put her down for a nap, and a good while later I wandered upstairs to see where he'd got to and found this.

"Shh!" says Audrey. "I just got him to sleep!"

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