Saturday, 28 May 2011

My Favourite Things

Well, she's six weeks old now. And what a week it's been. There have been difficulties - several days of nonstop crying on her part and pain on my part ended with a trip to the breastfeeding clinic where we were diagnosed with thrush, and a further trip to the doctor to get medicine. We're now slowly getting better, although we're all exhausted from the broken sleep. I also maybe overstretched myself a bit by going on several walks and by walking into work a couple of times now that we've got the pram business sorted, causing some nasty abdominal pain and bleeding. It's hard to make myself remember that I'm recovering from surgery. I'm just so keen to be outside again, gales or no gales!

I don't want to talk about those things, though. I want to talk about good things, like how beautifully blue her eyes have gotten.

 And how playful she's becoming. She reached up to grab at the snail rattle that hangs from the baby gym the other day. She'd been staring at it for days, it's her favourite thing, and then she just reached out and grabbed it, all pleased with herself.

Her 6 week check with the health visitor went well. She's doing brilliantly for her age. She's now 10lb7, she watches everything and she's SO strong! She pushes her head and shoulders up, and even rolled over!
One of my favourite times is when we take a nap together in the afternoons.

I spend a lot of time talking to her, I find it very bonding. I find if I drone on about anything and everything to her it helps her to sleep.

And more sleep is something we can all appreciate!

Another thing I'm loving lately is tiny hands, and tiny feet in snail slippers from Grandad Steve.

And I love that she's big enough now to wear some of the hand knitted clothes I made for her while I was pregnant.

Sleep tight, Audrey Bea!
Leave a comment and let me know 3 of your favourite things, to help me stay positive!


  1. I can def see you in her, especially in these pictures.

    3 favourite things? colouring. taking photos. chocolate.

  2. Hey Ray,
    Its Gillian (peter's Daughter)She is beautiful thank you for sharing this blog, I will become your international stalker now if that's ok lol. Your doing an amazing job you should be very proud Big hugs to you all more so to that beautiful little girl love Gillian xxxx

  3. Hey Gillian! Wow, it's been ages since I last saw you. I'm so glad to have you as a stalker, lol. How is your family? I have so much newfound respect for mums with more than one child now, you've no idea!

    Lots of love, Ray xxx.

  4. I have 4 favourite things: cookies, my camera, Tom's hairy chest and cuddles with my teddy bear.

  5. Here are my 3 favourite things about this post:
    - Sleep (always a good thing)
    - Bunny jim-jams
    - Snail slippers!

    And a bonus favourite thing from your "weather report" post:
    - Ian's catalogue poses with the sling ;)

    And here are 3 favourite things in general:
    - Bunnies
    - Ladybirds
    - Pizza

