Wednesday, 11 May 2011

4 weeks old!

It's been a hectic week. We've joined the library (Audrey has her own library card), gone to a breastfeeding group, taken a trip on the bus into Morningside to visit friends, and had lots of visitors here at home too. I've had a bout of mastitis, which was NOT fun at all, and Audrey has had a bit of a growth spurt and is in the next size up of clothes officially now. She's sleeping better at night, and her day time sleeps are coalescing into proper naps with proper awake time in between the sleeps.

She's been practicing with the pram. We can go on short walks now with her in it before she starts protesting. The other day Cori and I took her for a walk around the park, carrying her part of the way.

She still sucks her thumb from time to time, but less often lately.
She looks around her more now, and especially likes different types of light - beams of sunlight, rainbows reflecting off the prism edges of the mirror, the cool light shade in the nursery.

She got some new clothes today, now that she's grown so big. Here she is in some of them, looking so adorable.

Night night Audrey Bea!


  1. Wow, she's really growing now! Nice to see her with her eyes open, too!

    XX Nana Bee

  2. She's so huge! I mean I noticed it when holding her, but comparing it to older photos it's so much more apparent. Mega growth spurt Audrey Bea!

    P.S. I love your confused face :p
