Friday, 6 May 2011

3 weeks old

Audrey is practically a grown up now that she's three weeks old. Well, maybe not, but she did come voting with us yesterday! She was safely tucked up in the sling and slept the whole time, with the exception of a little bit of fussing when we actually got to the polling station. She got slightly rained on on the way back, but it didn't seem to bother her. Good voting, Audrey!

She's growing so much, she's starting to be able to fit into clothes that were miles too big at first. Here she is in the beautiful wee dress and leggings that Aunty Holly gave her.
She's started to focus on things now, and is entranced by her own hands and grabbing things with them (like other people's hair, or even skin - ouch!)

She's so sweet. Especially when she's sleepy but trying so hard to stay awake. She's also making lots of soft little noises, and I think she's almost trying to smile some times. Here's a vid of Audrey Bea, being sleepy and adorable.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Go you Audrey Bea, I can tell you're going to be a productive member of our proud democracy. You also have sweet rapper hands; I'm impressed, you cool thing you.

    Is it ok if I come and visit your Mummy next week? What if I squirrel her away for dinner on Thursday too, or is that a bit presumptuous?
