Wednesday 20 June 2012

Sunshine on a rainy day

There's something extra special about getting a really warm spell of sunshine when the ground is still damp from the rain. Yesterday we walked through the park, and in the morning the weather had been misty and wet so we were prepared for another downpour. But instead we found ourselves shedding outer layers of clothes and dawdling along, making the most of the sunshine.

As we walked the ground dried up pretty quickly, but the stream was still swollen and fast. Audrey stared on in utter amazement at the dogs who jumped into the water to play, and got soggy when they ran out and shook themselves dry near her.

We love when owners let Audrey pet their cute dogs. She's quite reserved about it - she's not scared at all of the dogs, more shy of the people. She'll happily stand and stare and point at the doggies without ever moving any closer most of the time, but sometimes there'll be a little one that she can very gently stroke and coo over.

She loves to look at and pick the flowers - buttercups, daisies, cow parsley. She pinches off just the very top and hands it straight to me as soon as she's managed it.

But she also loves the bark from the trees, and leaves which have fallen. We carry them in the buggy while she walks and scatters them one at a time on the grass.

Walking along hand in hand with her is one of the best feelings I've ever experienced. I'm so proud, in that moment, and so lucky and happy, so content.

Being her mama is just the best.

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