Tuesday 26 June 2012

Sometimes, a developmental exercise...

... can be as simple as a bucket of water, a cup, and a ladle!

I find bath times have become an important time for Audrey, really helping with her development. She learns lots of words from her "bath friends" - the toy sea creatures we bought from Deep Sea World (one of the best purchases I think we've ever made, as far as Audrey is concerned!) and can correctly identify all of them now. She says "fish" and "turtle" and "duck" and quacks a LOT with that one, and just recently she's been trying to say "octopus" - which is a really big word when you're only 14 months old! She's also getting really good at splashing, and we use words like hot and cold, slippery, bubbly, waves, pour and spill, full, shallow, deep.

Since she responds so well to this type of learning, I thought it might be nice to play with water during the day. Since we live in a flat, we don't have a paddling pool or water table. But a little bit of improvisation goes a long way!

We practiced pouring and stirring and scooping, and had a fabulous time.

Audrey has spent the rest of the morning helping with the housework. And when I say helping, I mean genuinely rendering assistance. I sorted the dirty laundry in the living room, while she took the sorted stuff through to the kitchen and loaded it in the washing machine, then shut the door. Then I put the detergent in the drawer, and she closed it. I set the program, and she pressed the start button. For a 14 month old, I think that's pretty amazing!

We unloaded the dishwasher together, with her passing me each item (I removed sharp knives first) while I put them away in the cupboards. Team work!

She's coming on in leaps and bounds lately, doing and saying and understanding new things each day.

She's the most fun.

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