Friday 16 March 2012

It flies

She's turning into a little toddler right in front of my eyes. Everyone always says "Enjoy it - it goes so fast!" but you're still not prepared for just how quickly the time goes, and all of a sudden she's not really a baby any more.

This is Audrey and her friend Daisy at play group. It's Daisy's first birthday this weekend and we're going to her party. I'm sure it's going to be SO cute.

We're trying lots of new play groups lately - today we went to a Gaelic play group in the city. It was lots of fun, and Audrey showed none of the usual shyness - she just jumped right in and started playing and walking about (and trying to grab toys from the other children, but we won't mention that!). She's such a happy, funny little thing.

Yesterday was our friend Alasdair's birthday, so we went to look at the animal and dinosaur exhibits at the museum. We had so much fun, and Audrey was amazed to see all the exciting animals. There was lots of pointing and "oooh"-ing, and she constantly wanted to be walking/crawling around or held up to see things. It was a big change from the last time we came to the museum, when she was interested but not overly excited.
She takes in so much, always looking and listening and learning from the things around her. I try my best to make her surroundings as rich as possible, and to give her lots of opportunities to learn and experience.

There was a sweet and very distinguished looking elderly gent sitting at the other end of the bench reading, and Audrey was trying her very best to get his attention. Little girl is fascinated by people and books, so an interesting person with a book was not something she could just ignore!

In fact, right at this very moment she is reading a library book about animals to Shambles the cat, looking at all the pictures and making roaring sounds/amazed noises as appropriate, and pointing out the especially special pictures to him.

We also had some crafty fun making Mother's Day cards for some of the wonderful mums and nanas in our lives recently, but shhh! Those are a secret until Sunday!

Oh don't grow up too quick, Audrey Bea. I'm having so much fun in the right now.

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