Since my last post, we've all managed to get very sick indeed with norovirus. Fun! Only, you know, not fun. I've been in hospital with it, and the past couple of days Audrey has been very sick indeed.
We're all resting, and going to be spending this Christmas very quietly indeed. We had intended to be seeing Ian's family, but our little excursion out to Gavia will have to wait until we're not quite so ill.
Still, it's Christmas Eve, there are presents under our tree, and life is beautiful.
Audrey is asleep in bed upstairs. I so hope little lady is feeling better tomorrow. She can open her presents and we can hug and stay in our pyjamas all day and play.
Feeling all the love right now. My amazing friends, my family, my daughter. Happy Christmas everyone! I promise a proper post soon, when we've all recovered a little.
Get well soon :) (Jamie)