Monday, 5 November 2012

Hi Gorgeous!

So much to catch you up on! We've been away visiting my grandparents, and when we got back Audrey had a nasty cold which she's only just getting over. She's also going through a bit of a growth spurt, so her sleep has been particularly disrupted. But things have settled down a bit over the past few days.

I will definitely do some catch-up posts to fill you all in on what we've been up to - Halloween parties and all sorts! But for now, here are some pics of my grown up girl that I've just taken today on our walk in the park.

She's so big now. She says every word under the sun and makes little sentences. The other night when she was struggling to sleep, we took her for a walk out in the buggy across the estate in the dark. "Wow big moon" she said. "Oh wow." We saw lots of fireworks going pop, and lots of "hi stars!" She sang twinkle twinkle sleepily to herself and did all the actions.

She's always trying to count things lately - "six, sebben, four, free, six..."

Also colours. At the moment everything is green. What colour is the grass? Green. What colour is the sky? Green. What colour is Shambles the cat? GREEN!

And she's getting so good with her motor skills.

She turned to me earlier today, grinned and said "Hi Gorgeous!" She makes me laugh constantly. She's the best.

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