Thursday, 22 November 2012

Learning Through Play

Audrey loves to play. She takes my hand and drags me over to her little table saying "Mama - play, play!"

Audrey has been very interested in counting lately - she counts just about everything she sees. She has the gist of the numbers up to 10, but usually misses out 2 and is somewhat hit-and-miss after 7. 7 is her favourite number, and will get counted many times - "five, sick, sennen, sennen, sennen, sennen... eight"

We do lots of different activities to help her understand the concept of quantity, that the numbers aren't just funny words like a nursery rhyme but actually relate to a certain quantity of whatever it is that we're counting.

I always save bottle tops because they are useful for so many learning games, so I came up with this counting activity:

First I pointed to each number in turn and named it. Then I showed her how to place the bottle tops on the circles, one at a time, saying the number as I placed each one. She soon got the idea!

She enjoyed putting the bottle tops down, but she also enjoyed taking them away one at a time which I hadn't expected. She seemed quite fasinated by the idea of taking enough away that each column looked the same as the one next to it. A great introduction to subtraction, there.

We've also been playing a colours game lately with some coloured buttons - I love these buttons! They're supposed to be for threading onto a string, which Audrey enjoys a lot, but we use them for so much more - counting, matching, colours, posting and other fine motor work... Definitely one of the most versatile toys we've bought.

Again with this one, I point to each paper plate and say the colour, then put one of the buttons on each plate and say the colours again as I go. Then I hand a button to her - "Where does this go? Can you find the one that matches? Where does the blue one go?"

Again, she gets the hang of this one pretty quickly. Her colours are coming on in leaps and bounds lately, and I'd like to do some colour matching with some more of the secondary and other colours like pink, purple, orange and brown.

Colour sorting is tiring work!

Silly Audrey.

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