Thursday, 26 January 2012

If you're happy and you know it

She sticks her tongue out at me and waggles it from side to side, waiting for me to copy her. When I do, she collapses in a fit of giggles, then does it again.

She's moving so fast now - crawling everywhere, pulling herself up to standing, climbing the stairs. Last night she slowly wobbled to her feet without support and stood there for a few seconds as if suspended, before toppling and sitting down hard again. With so much movement come more frequent knocks and bruises. She falls down bump and her eyes fill with tears, she lifts her hands up to me, "mama mama". I lift her and she clings to me, burrow her face into my chest, wrap her arms around my shoulders. At those moments I realise I am not the same person as I was a year ago. Something inside me is stronger, purer, brighter, hers.
It's impossible to look at that picture and not want to kiss those cheeks.

We went for a spur of the moment trip into Ian's work the other day, to meet him before he headed home and say hi to his work colleagues.

Although a little bit overwhelmed at the New Place! New People! She was overjoyed to see Dada, and kind of totally surprised as well. Because on week days we normally don't see Dada until just before bed time, at home! And then we went on an adventure, as we do, and DADA WAS THERE!

She kept pointing him out to me. "Check out this guy. IT'S THE GUY FROM OUR HOUSE."

She loves travelling on the bus, it's her favourite kind of adventure. She stares at the people sat behind us, and chatters away at them, reaching out from time to time to hold their hands.

Having been a somewhat socially awkward child myself, it's so heartwarming to see how outgoing and friendly she is with other people.

We've been going on lots of outings and trips lately, as little Miss has way too much energy to sit around at home. She loves to visit the playground next to our house, especially if there are bigger children playing that she can point and laugh at.

The swings are her favourite. Then the slide. Then the big round thing that she lies in the middle of while I spin her (slowly) round and round while she giggles.

Oh Audrey. Never stop being adventurous, brave, gorgeous, remarkable, you.

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