Friday 18 November 2011


Audrey has been really poorly the past few days with a nasty virus, so we've been spending most of our time resting and trying to persuade her to keep nursing, and sitting in steamy bathrooms that smell like olbas oil and baby vapour rub.

It was pretty scary yesterday when I woke up to her lying beside me all ghostly pale and floppy, unable to even lift her head up. Her eyes looked like they'd been punched, they were vivid purple and bruised looking. We went back in to the doctor, who said to continue with lots of steam and trying to nurse as often as possible, although by that point she'd been refusing food and drink for the best part of a day and a night. A horrible, helpless feeling when she stared at me, pleading with her eyes that I make it all better. We gave her calpol by syringe because she couldn't swallow it off a spoon, and hoped that it would help.

Today has marked a big improvement, though. She's still coughing, still not breathing great, but she's eating and she's a lot stronger and happier in herself. Better enough for some photos!

Even though it's been tough looking after her while she's sick (especially considering I've been sick with it myself!) I'm still loving being her mum. Here are some other things I'm loving lately:

Little red stripey socks.
Little brave smiles.
How much she loves animals, and how she's not afraid of any of them!

Last week we visited our friends Marie and Andy, who foster some of the shelter's long-term resident rabbits who have special health needs. They have a lovely dog called Katy, who Audrey loves a LOT.

And she absolutely dotes on our cats, even when she's sick.

One of the main things I'm loving lately is how she's learned how to hug. She's been so clingy throughout this illness, and she's started stretching her arms out whenever I'm close by for cuddles, and pulling herself up into my arms once I'm near enough. "Mama Mama," she says, in her little scratchy voice, and buries her face in my  neck.
Get well soon, Audrey Bea.

1 comment:

  1. Poor poorly Audrey :-( But the pics of her and the cat looking out the window are priceless! I cannot wait until my little Evie can say 'mama'. I bet that made the whole thing worthwhile x
