It's easy to be brave when you're a lion.
I love her adventurous spirit. I love how she doesn't worry about things, how in the moment she is. And I love, love, love that lion suit, a gift from our friend Isabelle!
On Friday she had a friend round for tea for the first time - little Daisy. It was cute to see how much more confident Audrey was here at home, as compared to play group or at her friends' houses. She babbled away and crawled all over the place, having a great time.
She also had a great time last weekend at our friends Clare and Steven's house. They cooked us a lovely lunch, and we got to see our friend Alasdair too!
I got to talking a lot with my friend Addie this weekend about the type of parenting Ian and I try to practice, the type of parent we want to be. It's refreshing sometimes to re-affirm things, to remind yourself of where you are and where you want to be. I am a Mama who misses her baby when she's sleeping. I respond to her when she cries. I think you're never too young for books, and that feeding my baby right is one of the greatest gifts I'll ever be able to give her. I am a Mama who goes to hippy baby classes where we learn sign language and sing about recycling. I am a Mama who talks to her baby about photosynthesis and shows her how to spot constellations in the sky when we're walking home through the park after dark. I am a Mama who prefers baby wearing to a buggy, even when my back's aching. I am a Mama who co-sleeps, homeschools, blogs, never has the tv on.
I'm proud of the Mama I am, even when it's not the Mama that other people would be in my place.
She can stand unsupported really well now. I fight down the urge to rush over and protect her from falling - she can do it just fine without me hovering.
She'll be ten months old tomorrow. How would I describe her at this age? Fierce.
Curious. Fun. In love with herself and the world.
Beautiful. Human.
Unashamed and true to herself in a way I wish she could carry with her forever.
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