Thursday 10 October 2013

Treasure Hunt

The other day we had an Autumn themed treasure hunt. I organised it for some of the other younger home educated children from our local group, children from around Audrey's age up to 5-6 year olds. The basic idea was that we each had two lists of things - one list of things to find and put in our baskets (things like pine cones, red leaves, feathers) and the other of things we had to look out for, and tick off when we spotted them (birds, bridges, dogs, evergreen trees etc).

Audrey loved it so much - the fun, the exploring, but mostly seeing her friends.

They played in the burn until they were tired. They played houses by the big, old trees, the exposed roots were little sofas, and they pulled the tops off acorns and filled them with stream water to make cups of tea. Two of the bigger boys helped Audrey and one of her little friends over to the far, deep side of the stream and up onto the steep bank, where they found treasures like dead bumble bees and toadstools.

On the walk home she fell asleep, thoroughly worn out. I carried her sweet, sleep-heavy little self home and put her to bed, then collapsed exhausted and aching onto the sofa. It was one of those days where I felt like super mum. The other sorts of days come often enough that I savour that feeling.

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