Sunday, 3 March 2013


We went away recently for a long weekend visiting my grandparents, and we were joined by some of our favourite people - Grandad Steve, Aunty Kate and Uncle Jonathon. We got the train down to Blackpool - a trip we're becoming very familiar with. Unfortunately the trains are usually full of obnoxious stag and hen parties being loud and keeping Audrey from sleeping - Audrey, in contrast, is good as gold and happily looks out of the window with me for most of the journey, pointing out sheep and trees and funny shaped clouds. The weather was even sunny enough for sunglasses! (I have to point out that Audrey wears these even when the weather isn't sunny).


Audrey loves her Great-Nana and Great-Grandad. After half an hour's shyness she is ALL OVER them, holding them by the hand and dragging them all over the house.

Not to mention Grandad Steve! (Who fell asleep himself shortly after this pic was taken and snored so loudly that he woke Audrey up. Oh yes, we won't let him forget it.)

And Aunty Kate and Uncle J!

Audrey was spoiled for affection and attention (note: I don't actually believe it's possible to spoil a child with too much of these things) and Ian and I were spoiled by being able to actually sit down for stretches of time longer than ten minutes. Score!

We went on a walk along the sea wall, right by the ocean (the sea air, if you're not used to it, will make you soooooooo tired), and saw a field full of geese with a pony and a llama. Which Audrey insisted was a cow. And berated loudly for not mooing enough. (Also, at the sound of drilling from nearby roadworks, Aunty Kate managed to genuinely ask "Is that the llama?" - anther thing we're not going to let her forget).

The next day we went out for ice cream and oh my goodness, Audrey had the BEST time ever. Grandad Steve "shared" his ice cream with Audrey (translation: she took all of it for herself, and had some of mine too).

There was one of those toy car things for kids to ride on - it wasn't plugged in, but Audrey LOVED to sit on it anyway and chat to Bert and Ernie (she called both of them Bert, and said they were her friends - she hugged and kissed them endlessly).

Grandad Steve has a toy helicopter that really flies, which he brought with him for everyone to play with. Audrey was absolutely captivated.

What a wonderful little holiday.

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