Saturday, 5 January 2013

Ready - GO!

It's bitter cold here in Scotland during the winter, and only anything approaching light for a few hours a day. What light there is comes cloud-filtered and very pale, disturbed by the wind and with a deep, wet chill to it. The ground is marshy, the trees bare, and we are all vitamin D deficient and sluggish.

But the solstice has been and gone now and the days are getting longer again. Spring is my favourite season and I can feel it right around the corner.

Audrey was born in the spring, when the blossom was on the trees. Every year I know my birthday is coming when the daffodils are out, and now we'll know Audrey's birthday is coming when the blossom appears in its little fits and starts.

Because of the cold weather, and because we've been so, so sick, we've not been out as much as usual lately. This is starting to change! And check it out - little lady has been playing with her new wooden motorbike while wearing her new leather jacket, brilliant gifts from honorary aunts Kat and Carrie:

Today we rode the bike to the play park, where Audrey climbed and swung and ran and slid. I think the following picture sums up her personality so perfectly - the black wellies with skull-and-crossbones, the leather jacket, the bright frilly skirt and polka dot tights, the furry purple mittens, and my girl climbing up the climbing frame stairs backwards.

At the park a little girl ran for the swings, pure excitement and joy. It made me think. Every child at the park has her favourite thing to play on. Audrey likes the swing, and will ask to go on it from time to time, but only for a few moments before she gets bored of sitting still and slumps forward, asking "Mama, down!"

Really, it's all about the climbing frame. Little girl wants to be up, on, gonow.

Audrey at 20 months is full of words and movement. She's stubborn and willful, affectionate and determined, passionate and curious. Racing ahead.

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