Thursday, 13 June 2013

Summer Holiday Number 1

We just got back from a week with Nana Pat and Granddad Terry, and we got to see Aunty Kate and Aunty Holly and Uncle Sam and everyone! So much fun. I was a little apprehensive at first about travelling on my own with Audrey, but she was amazing and so very helpful.

We played in the garden with footballs and tea sets and flowers.

Aunty Kate made little fairy cakes that Audrey got to decorate.

We went for a picnic at Ferry Meadows, a park with several big ponds where we used to swim when we were children. Granddad may have bought her an ice cream.

Audrey adored her granddad so much, and followed him around all weekend, chatting away to him.

We went to Hamerton Zoo Park, where Aunty Holly once got bitten by an Ostrich when we were children. Lol.

Aunty Kate taught Audrey how to use the hose pipe to water the flowers (and Mama).

On the Sunday Aunty Holly and Uncle Sam came round with their dog Murphy to cook us all lunch. Audrey was so delighted, she loves doggies. Afterwards we drove over to Holly's new house to look around and see where new baby Neve will be living when she's born. Audrey is excited about the idea of a new cousin, but a bit unsure about the claim that her new cousin is currently living in Aunty Holly's tummy.

On Monday we went out to a garden centre, where Audrey loved looking at some fish and plastic display pigs.

We spent the rest of the day at the park in the village - Audrey loved that park, and we spent a lot of time there over the week.

The trip home was really long and very exhausting, I feel like I'm only just now recovering. And in a few weeks we go away again, to see more grandparents! Can't wait.